Red Matter


Extradimensional Compound


Aliases: Red Matter, Red Mercury, Compound R, Red "K"

This highly radioactive composition of chemicals is a scarlet red mercuric dust at its base form (through processing it can be a liquid or solid) that consists of several foreign elements combined to create a superconductive, volatile and powerful substance known to the world (other worlds - it is "unheard of" in E-626) as Red Mercury or Compound R.

Largely a mystery to this reality it is known in other realities it's properties are incredibly mutable and its applications are widely varied but applied properly it creates fusion, fission and even singularities.

Red Mercury is very deadly and produces varying degrees of radiation that course through stages of gamma decay and electromagnetic emissions. Even metahumans and extraterrestrials immune to such things find themselves hindered and even harmed, it can even halt the regeneration process.

OOC Note: The origin of Red Matter is Earth-81. It's creation is a mystery in Earth-626 and technically does not exist as more than a hoax.
A prime component of Red Matter is actually Red Kryptonite which in the world of E-81 rained down heavily (more so than Green) on their world in the late 1930s (1938 to be exact). Red K (mutated naturally and artificially) applied to certain chemicals having created Red Matter also means it has a disturbing effect on Kryptonians, this being artificial processed it causes isolation of cells, separating them and halting healing as well as photovoltaic properties because it actually alters the cells themselves upon contact (meaning EXTREME PAIN and power neutralization).

First Appearance

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