About The Other Day

January 18, 2015:

Babs visits Rowan in New York and the Sea Queen drops in.

New York City


NPCs: None.


Mood Music: None.

Fade In…

Rowan seems to come to Gotham to take Babs out far more often than she gets to New York to visit him (and that's normally because he invites her). Today, it's a bit different and Babs has contacted Rowan to say she's coming to New York and would like to spend some time with him. He's invited her for dinner at his place and whilst Gothams Information Goddess doesn't like to be away from the Clocktower overnight, she does occassionally make exceptions to that rule. On arriving at Rowans place, he's settled her in and run down to the shops to pick up some supplies, like icecream….

Babs is relaxing in his lounge room, her tablet on her lap as she reviews some search results for one of her many projects.


Mera has been wanting to speak with Rowan about the Orca racing event to be happening in the springtime, but she's gotten the distinct impression that he's been avoiding her since that other day at the pier. Very strange behavior. And she plans to confront him in the most direct way possible.

Mera steps ashore on the beach near the residence that Rowan has shown her in the past and walks toward the building. She hesitates as the buildings with their sharp corners and flat sides all look the same to her, but then she feels the brush of a familiar mind and follows it to a door with a familiar group of symbols on it.

This has got to be it.


Babs is pretty engrossed in her research but she does hear Mera pause at the door. Thinking it might be Rowan returning with the shopping, the redhead moves to the door to open it. Seeing Mera standing there, Babs stills for a moment and then smiles slightly "Oh Hello, Queen Mera. Rowan didn't mention he was expecting another visitor." He might have forgotten, Babs did drop this visit on him after all. "Would you like to come in?"


Rowan had indeed forgotten. He generally keeps his apartment stocked at all times so that if people show up unexpectedly he can provide proper hospitality. He does seem to have forgotten that someone was scheduled here today, so he's just returning with ice cream and some fresh scallops. Odd combination to be sure but there you go."


"No, Rowan was not expecting me, however I still need to speak with him. Is he here?" Mera addresses BarbaraGordon politely enough, but her eyes drift past the Surfacer woman toward the interior of the apartment.


Babs hasn't seen Rowan returning just yet and she shakes her head at Mera "Not right now, but he's due back soon. Come in, please, and wait for him." Moving out of the other redheads way, Babs clears the path to enter the apartment. "I… could get you something to drink while you waited…" She knows coffee isn't probably the best thing "Tea maybe?"


Mera steps into the apartment, pausing to make sure she's not tracking in any sand on her feet — she did once before and realized it a bit late — then stepping straight through to the kitchen as her armored clothing is still dripping a bit. "Tea. Is that the … scented leaves soaked in heated water?"


Following Mera to the kitchen, Babs nods slightly "Yes, scented leaves soaked in heated water. There's a number of different types too. I'm not sure what Rowan has here… but he's always bringing me different ones to try." It's a thing… something they both enjoy… "If not tea, there's water but… and maybe he has soda." Babs keeps Soda in the Clocktower for the Bratlings and Misfit, she doesn't drink a lot of it herself.


Rowan comes in about a minute after Babs lets Mera in. "Your Majesty?" He calls as he opens the door, then sees Babs and smiles. "Hello Babs. Did I see the Qu- Oh, hello Mera. There's fresh urchins in the refrigerator and I have scalops if you'd like." He sets the bag down and goes to put the perishables in the kitchen. "I got that ice cream Babs."


Mera actually makes a face at the mention of soda. Clearly, that stuff she knows, and not favorably. "Tea or water would be acceptable." And then Rowan's home and she looks at him perhaps a bit sharply. "Thank you, but I think I will pass for the moment." Ice cream? Oh. Another of those overly sweet Surfacer concoctions.


Rowan sits down next to Babs and looks up at Mera. "To what do I owe the pleasure Mera? Is something wrong in atlantis or… has something happened to Arthur?"


"No, everything is fine on both those counts. I wish to speak with you on a different topic." She looks from Rowan to Babs and back, though she is very intentionally trying to keep from sifting through their surface thoughts to find out what's going on here.


Babs throws the Blue a smile "And icecream is always good. I'll go make the tea so you two can talk." and moves to the kitchen to do just that. Putting the water on to boil she looks around "Where do you keep your tea and your cups, Rowan?" The Clocktower kitchen has been fitted out for Babs needs… most kitchens aren't.


"Oh." Is all Rowan says. "They're in the second shelf over. Help yourself… er actually I'll be here to help you in a second." The blue is really quite curious about what Mera could concievably want to talk aobut… unless it's him seeing her half naked.


"It has to do with the Orca races." She looks over toward the kitchen, then nods to Rowan. Go help. She opts to sit on the floor rather than any of the furniture in the apartment, as she's had a chair collapse under her before. It was… not as funny as Arthur thought it was.


Babs head tilts at the mention of the Orca races as she busies herself finding mugs she can reach, second shelf over. The tea is harder to find. "These are the races we were discussing the other day, aren't they Rowan?"


"Yes, the Atlantean sport that Mera said it should participate in." Rowan gets up to get down several tins of loose leaf. "Which ones would you like, Babs?" He's gotten pretty decent at brewing tea.

"What about them Mera?"


Mera speaks just a smidge louder so the others in the kitchen can hear. "The entrants need to present themselves at court to announce their intention to participate. This presentation will be happening about ten days from now. I wanted to inform you sooner, but you seem to be avoiding the city of late."


"Whatever you think Mera might like, you've not disappointed me with a blend yet." Babs moves back slightly and smiles as Mera speaks slightly louder "Have you been avoiding the city lately?" Babs knows that Rowans not sure about the races but avoiding the city is news. "Rowan was telling me, Mera, that the races were more like what the surfacers would call a Rodeo. Have you seen one of those before?"


"Aaaah. Well, assuming there's… no protocols that I have to go through I'd be happy to go down. I know you were planning on asking Simon Williams. Perhaps other surfacer heroes. Can surfacers watch? Might be good for relations?"


Mera tilts her head slightly at Babs. "Rodeo. I do not know this word. No, no protocols, and I was hoping to speak with Simon as well. Perhaps he will know who would beable to attend without undue personal risk?" She remembers Simon saying that very few Surfacers can deal with the underwater pressures the way he does.


"Let me see what I can find for you…" Babs leaves Rowan to finish the tea and reaches for her tablet to find videos of Rodeos for Mera to view "This is a surfacer sport… I guess you could call it that." Holding her tablet so the other redhead can look. "Undue personal risk?" Babs hadn't really thought about 'where' these races may be held "I suppose the events are held quite deep… I guess the issue of getting humans down and back without decompression sickness and other such stuff occurring."


Rowan nods. "My understanding is that the sport can be dangerous, both from the orca themselves and the other competitors. And I was thinking 'magic' though I don't know any myself. Surely Atlantis has such magic, even if it's not been used in many centuries. My own version did for when the Magi visitied."5r


Mera considers for a moment. "I would have to consult with Arthur, as I have not seen any evidence of that myself. But, if such a thing is possible, then it should be accessible enough. Though perhaps until the Atlanteans are more at ease with the idea of large numbers of Surfacers participating, we could invite a few … representatives?"


Babs is quite happy listening to the two sea folk discuss the upcoming races. Settling back into her chair, she pays attention with polite interest. "Is the purpose to expose Atlanteans to Surfacers, or the other way round? If it's the other way round, you could always televise the event… I understand Atlantis has pretty good tech and could do that."


"I'm sure Simon Williams knows some champions. And perhaps a few spectators. I think Babs here wouldn't mind. She certainly seemed to enjoy swimming with the dolphins enough." The Blue smiles for a moment at the memeory.

"I'm not sure the Atleanteans are ready for that, if what Mera has told me is true."


"They are not. Most average Atlanteans think of Surfacers as brutish, careless, and hideously wasteful. The amount of dangerous toxins polluted into our waters is enough to make even the most sedate Atlantean think very poorly of Surfacers." Mera won't even get started on the damage that has been done by fishing trawlers DRAGGING the ocean bottom to harvest foodstuffs. "I am hoping that a few select Surfacer champions participating in the races would perhaps be a start to changing Atlantean attitudes."

"Arthur has mentioned that as well" Babs murmurs. She certainly did enjoy swimming with the dolphins, that was extreme amounts of fun, but so was riding the dragon. Maybe Babs is a thrill seeker. She's little to add to the discussion at hand though.


"I shall come present myself to court. Er. As soon as I can. Do I need to, um…" Rowan's never been to court when not on guard detail. "Make an appointment or something?"


Mera smiles a bit. "No. But it is on a particular day, so you will need to be there for that." The smile disappears as quickly as it appeared. "Are you avoiding Atlantis because you fear Arthur's or my anger?"


Babs looks from Mera then to Rowan. "Are you avoiding Atlantis, Rowan?" Just in case, she reaches for her tablet. She can be busy doing something else… and there's always systems to check and things to monitor.


"Well…" Rowan scratches he back of his neck. "I was not sure that eithre of your majesties would be pleased that I found you… er… being… somewhat…" He can't say it. Even thinking about it makes him nervous. He's not sure how his Mera would have reacted. Or his Arthur. But he can reasonably guess 'poorly.'

"Also Atlantis isn't close and it's… not home."


"If we had been worried about being discovered, do you really think Arthur would have chosen that particular spot?" Mera doesn't seem to be in any way perturbed, unless it's because Rowan has been hiding away from Atlantis.


This is a new side of Rowan and Babs puts the tablet down and tilts her head. "What did you discover them doing, Rowan?" the redhead looks slightly bemused. Mera gets the same bemused look, although the Sea Queen seems quite relaxed.


Rowan coughs. "Being intimate." Okay it wasn't quite that advanced but both of them were in a state of partial undress. Mera's back was turned to him, so it's not like he saw anything but the scars there, but it had still been a rather panic inducing experience.


Mera just continues sitting on the floor, looking up at Babs and toward Rowan almost serenely. "Was this something that never happened where you came from, Rowan? Why do you find it so … unsettling?"


Babs stifles a laugh and looks at the Sea Queen. It could be like walking in on Batman… bad visual there. Rather than say anything, the redhead sits quietly, waiting to see how he answers.


"It was something that happened, sure." Rowan nods. He's aware, of course of the general concept and proceedure for that kind of thing. It wasn't uncommon for commando squads to end up working very closely with surfacers and some of his friends and fellows did that kind of thing. And of course, where do you think Blue children came from? But Arthur and Mera. "But, um, I'm fairly sure that… had I seen that particular thing at home… the Sea King might have been rather upset. Or you." Mera was all kinds of scary.


Mera says, "Well, if it's any consolation, the only reason Arthur was disgruntled was because we were interrupted. Not because it was you that did the interrupting. And even then, he was only mildly perturbed." She looks at Oracle, trying to figure out why the amusement from the Surfacer woman became so apparent for a moment there. And she still worries a bit about the amount of unease that seems to roll off of Rowan at times."


Babs could try and explain the humour, or Mera could just pick up on the visual in her head… but that might just be disturbing. "Perhaps it's the fact that his Mera and Arthur weren't so understanding, and reconciling the two worlds is a challenge, or Rowan's just naturally reserved." Babs shrugs lightly to Mera. "I understand the latter and can only just begin to encompass the former."


Rowan is fairly quiet when not fighting. Generally. He's had a bit of a chance to be less quiet these days. "Mera and Arthur were… creatures of war and battle and death. Their kingdoms needed them. But… they were frightening. Decisive. Hard. Swift to action."


Mera ahhhhs. Now she understands. "They lived their lives at war. As that is not the case here, you likely find things to be … disconcerting. I'm sorry that it is unsettling, but I am not sorry that we are not at war." She was raised to be a warrior, but has learned the beauty of a peaceful existence.


Babs nods slowly at the Sea Queen and returns her gaze to Rowan. She's /very/ glad they don't live in the world Rowan's described to her, even if this world is flawed in the extreme.


Rowan nods. "I'll try to keep that in mind Mera. Sorry. It just… is hard to remember sometimes. That you're not the Mera I knew. In some ways you're very alike."


Rain has decided to stop by the harbor. Captain is draped over her shoulders, and indeed, she has a black motorcycle parked nearby. It seems the witch does have some mundane travel options. The cat is in his trenchcoat and a stylish fedora (not the reddit kind) as the two come up into the fish mongers and towards the port itself. "Mmmm." Smell that fishy air! Rain's nose wrinkles.

Nevertheless, their path somehow takes them near the little group. Captain looks ready to burst, trying not to talk in front of a fish vendor with a particularly large haul. "I'd drop THAT bass. Down into my bowl!" Stare. "Erm." Oh boy.


Rowan looks up at the nose outside his apartment and is… rather… is that a talking cat? Threatening a Fish Vendor. "Er…" THe fish vendor spooks (Fish vendors with cat phobia's, who knew?) and ends up pitching poor Captain right at the Blue as he stares out his door in that direction. One flying feline special coming right up…


Babs, who is sitting further back in the apartment, only hears the voices and doesn't realise it's a talking cat she's heard. Looking at Rowan as he looks out the door, she frowns as Captain comes through the door. "Rowan, I didn't know you owned a cat…." She hasn't recognised Captain, though she should from a certain druids Oracle comm video feed.


Poor Captain. He wasn't threatening! He was just excited about fish. Captain yelps as he's pitched at poor Rowan. "It was a complimeeeeeeeeeeent-" "Captain!" Rain looks horrified, and moves away from the fish vendor. She gives chase to the flying cat. And has to stop to knock on the door frame. "Excuse me, did a cat fly through here?"


Mera has been sitting on the floor of Rowan's apartment, as she's had bad luck in the past with Surfacer furniture. When a furry creature comes flying into the room, she startles and all but leaps to her feet and tries to figure out who or what is attacking them.


Rowan blinks and catches the cat and just kind of… stares. He backs away slowly looking at Captain curiously, at arms length until Rain arrives. "Er. Hi." He looks at Captain. "Sorry. I don't, uh, have a cheeseburger."


Looking at the woman knocking on the door frame, Babs nods. "Apparently so… you might want to take him before my friend here tries to find that cheeseburger." as she looks at Mera and murmurs "It's a cat, Mera. A surfacer animal, generally kept as a pet."


Skitterskitterskitterscamper, flail! The poor furry critter has to stop skidding and regain his footing. "No, I was after fish!" Captain looks startled, disoriented. "Captain…?" The cat peers at Rowan. "It's cool, man. I uh." Awkward. Nevertheless, once the cat is on his feet, her looks around them. He seems just as surprised as they do.

Rain frets a bit. "Thanks, mind if I come in and get him?"


Captain asides to Mera, "An ancient civilization once worshipped us. And a lot of people argue that according to the internet, they still do." Mwahaha. Good times. "Sorry, that - guy threw me." He bristles unhappily and will move towards the sound of Rain's voice.

Mera looks from Captain to Babs and back. "…. This is very strange." She moves to sit back down on the floor, trying to not let her confusion turn into irritation.


"You're telling me." Says the man who can turn into a dragon. "Come on in yes. We've met I think. You're… Rain."

Rowan does look a bit confused as to why someone would be named after falling water but if there's one thing he's found universally true it's that surfacers are wierd.


Babs watches the talking cat, dragon and Sea Queen with a small degree of amusement. "Strange… doesn't even begin to describe it." Now she recognises the witch and the cat and works to control her response to one of surprise.


Rain pauses. She looks to Mera. "Oh! I owe you a huge thank you. I go by Rain, yes. My real name is kind of embarrassing," She admits. "And it's good to see you guys," She smiles, moving to pick up her cat. "You guys can pet him if you want. He's friendly." "Oh, am I now?" Captain teases. He adds, "I am a cat, yes. I am also a familiar and share a special pact slash magical bond with Rain. This is why I can talk and such." He won't move away if the others want to pet him.

"It's rare nowadays," Rain explains. "My uh, people like me - we were a lot more common before thou shalt not suffer a witch to live became a thing. That, and infighting happened." She shrugs. "I really work by myself. I'm not in a coven or circle."


Mera nods to Rain, though she doesn't move to stand again. Instead, she just watches Captain with open curiosity. Practically staring. The only other cat-like being she's encountered before is Vorpal, and he was far more unusual because of the way his mind works.


Rowan cants his head. "Witches normally do that. Why do you not?" Rowan has some experiene with witches, having dealt a lot with them on his earth. Here though he's less sure how they work. "Sorry, make yourself comfortable. I'll, uh, get the ice cream. Did you want some Babs?"


Babs smiles at Rain and at Captain "Hi Rain, Captain, I'm Babs Gordon. It's a pleasure to meet you, I can't say I've ever met a talking cat… well except for Vorpal, but he's a Cheshire." Reaching down from her chair, she'll happily pet Captain if he'll allow it. "Yes please Rowan, I'd love some ice cream."


"Yeah, I've met - this Vorpal," Captain smiles as cats do. He seems curious in turn, looking at them with feline eyes. "I wasn't worthy," Rain admits. "And I haven't seen any other witches around here," She shrugs. "There's not a lot of us on this Earth. Not anymore." She waves a hand. "But it's okay. I have a lot of friends and such." Don't think about the cute druid. Don't think about the cute druid. "I'm sorry we crashed in on you," Rain looks apologetic.

Indeed, Captain lets Babs pet him, even rubbing a cheek against a hand. Aw yiss. "Well. I'm a cat." He's smarter, he talks and so on. But he is still a cat(tm).

Mera tilts her head a bit as she goes from watching Captain to watching Rain. She doesn't comment aloud, though, and opts to just sit still for a moment. And then she finds herself wondering if the tea ever got prepared. Or if she should just request a glass of water.

Rowan comes back with a couple bowls of ice cream for Rain and Babs, a bowl of raw sea urchins for Mera and a day old McDonalds double cheeseburger he'd decided to try and then elected not to. "Sorry Captain. Turns out I do have a cheeseburger. Here you go." Cats love these things. Right?


Taking the icecream from Rowan, Babs has to stop petting Captain, but if he wanted to hop in her lap she wouldn't complain. "Thankyou Rowan. Come sit by me?" Canting her head she looks to the hedge witch "What do you mean, not worthy?" The cheeseburger makes Babs smile slightly and she's interested to see what the smart feline makes of it. Turning her attention to Mera, Babs looks bemused "You're awfully quiet, Mera."


Captain purrs. And he can catch a hint. He does seem to be more attentive than the average housecat. He'll gently hop into Babs' lap for now and turn a circle before sitting there. "It's a long story," Rain admits. "I wasn't honestly supposed to have magic," She considers. AT the offer of a hamburger, Captain pauses. He laughs softly. "Ahh… I can have a cheeseburger. Most of us wouldn't say no to one." Rain interjects, "But not too much. People food is for people, not so much cats." She goes quiet a moment. "Is there water boiling or something?" An eyebrow lifts.

"We did want to say thanks for - saving me," When she got shivved. "I didn't forget."

Mera nods to Rain. "I am glad we were there to assist you. You have had no lasting effects, I hope?" She accepts the bowl of sea urchins and starts plucking the spines off of the urchins so she can get at their tasty centers.


A whistling tells Rowan that he forgot the tea, so of course he goes back to get it. Tea and ice cream. Or tea and urchins. Odd combination to be sure but if that's what his guests want the Blue won't say anything. "What ever did happen with Namor." Rowan sighs. "Ran into him again recently. Near the Bahamas."


And then, a soft ringtone. Rain looks to her phone and she frowns. "I can bug you guys soon. I think a Hellpuppy got loose and is now chasing a news truck. Which would be cute if it were't really big, drooling lava and trying to eat the paper boy." She moves to let Captain hop onto her shoulders. "Be back soon!"


Babs was happily eating her icecream and petting Captain, as Rain calls him to her and looks a little sad as he moves. "Well, it was nice meeting you Rain and Captain. I hope to see you again soon."

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