Snakes in the Grass

January 10, 2015:

Jericho gets some guests while gardening in Limbo

Limbo Green

The Limbo Green thrives under Jericho's care though what that means for the realm has yet to become clear.


NPCs: None.


Mood Music: None.

Fade In…

It's often overlooked, because most folks don't know, that Limbo's stepping disks are not part of Illyana's magic. They are, in fact, natural features of the place that appear and disappear at random places and times and for the most part stay closed. For the most part. It is, in theory, possible to just accidentally wander into the place but the chances of doing so are so astronomically low that they're essentially nil.

Unless there's a Jericho involved. One side effect of being full of magic is that he's a magnet for weird, even when he's not directly involed in anything. Indeed, right now all he's doing is… gardening is the best word for it. Taking care of the green and living parts of the hell realm that may or may not be connected to the humanity in the soul of the place's Queen. It's something he often does, and manages more often than one might think since time flows very differently in Limbo and he has K'nert and Illyana to get him in and out.

It had been fairly quiet. Demons don't really keep their distance from him anymore, but they do leave him alone more… when they're not asking him permission for things. Still, he hadn't seen many today and was just finishing diging up a new extension to the water course when the nearby stepping disks start to 'hiccup'.


That stepping disk hiccup. It smells like szechuan beef. Or maybe that's the takeout that May dropped and spilled all over the ground when the stepping disk snagged her off of the sidewalk in Chinatown and dumped her here, leaving her disoriented and in full defensive mode with knives in both hands. Because this place, she is nowhere NEAR Kansas anymore.


Babs has been sitting in the clocktower, Misfit beside her as the review the city grids on her screens. The older redhead is pointing out areas and talking quietly to the younger woman when suddenly, they're no longer there.

Babs is still pointing to the screen, which no longer exists when she realizes her change of scenery. Dropping her hands to her laps as her chair rolls forward a few inches she breathes "Jericho." and doesn't look overly impressed.


Charlie squeeks as the world shifts around them like that. "GAgh.. I do not like it when other people do that!" she declares loudly and looks around more then a smidge squirrelly about the whole affair. Then she blinks a couple of times "Holycrap" pause "Where are we!?" then she spots May "Oh hey that one lady too…" right, that one lady.


Jericho blinks. His traces are flushed red and he's… holding a shovel. And in a sweat soaked tee shirt when he sees the other three arrive. May in particular alarms him because the locals will be all over that in no time flat. "May!" He calls out to get her attention as he straightens up to walk over. His blade case is hanging behind him. "Hey. It's okay. You're in Limbo. Looks like you got here by accident."

Then Babs and Misfit arrive. "All… three of you." Some accident. "Hello there Oracle. No, I didn't do that." He sighs. K'nert's doing something for him at the moment. So he can't just send them back yet.


Melinda May brandishes her knives at Jericho for a second or two before she recognizes him, then she straightens, puts her knives away, and looks THIS close to slapping Jericho into next week. But then something he just said registers and she turns to look at the two redheads, one in a wheelchair and one standing. One of them is Oracle. She's betting it's NOT the younger one.

"You know, I could have arranged for a secure meeting place. This," May looks around the very unusual landscape, "does not look safe."


Batman will be soooo angry if her identity is compromised. No one has any idea how much, except Robin and Jericho has just called her out. Good heavens.

Of course she recognizes May, and May will recognize Misfit so there's only a few logical conclusions to be drawn… The redhead in the wheel chair glares at Jericho before sighing. "Agent May" she mutters, not the normal self composed, gracious woman she normally is.


Misfit blinks a couple of times at Jericho and then at May then looks to Oracle then looks to the other two once more. "well huh…." she steps away from Oracle and looks around now. "So.. how bad is this.. this seems very bad…. like.. what the hell is that" squinting at something on the horizon.


Jericho glances back. Misfit has just looked at where the green ends and the hellscape begins. "Hell." He tells her rather simply with a shrug. "The kind with demons. Don't wander off. They should leave you alone so long as you're around me."

He stabs the shovel into the ground and walks over to the cooler sitting near the stream he'd been working on extending, pulling out a few waters. "Can't send you guys back just yet, so relax a bit. No, I didn't call you here. No, I wasn't trying to set up a meeting. Yes, this place is dangerous but it's also my home away from home." Or maybe vice versa actually.


Well, if it's any consolation for Oracle, there is NO way May can report this back to SHIELD. But, seeing as Jericho just pointed out that yes, they are in Hell, she turns her attention back to him. "You owe me dinner." After all, her szechuan beef is right over there, all over the ground. She does have that tiny bit of consolation in knowing she's not the only one that got dragged here unwillingly. Though Oracle seems FAR from pleased about it.


The Bat secrets are tied up in identities and Batman has made it clear how important that is…. Babs sighs…. no she's not impressed but with Misfit here, she's got more on her plate. Looking to the younger woman, the redhead narrows her eyes "Please do exactly as he says… I'd hate for one of us to have to fight a demon to save you."

Jericho gets her attention "If not you, then why Jericho?" Babs still isn't happy. "You know I don't mind being pulled into your intrigues." At least it was May that got pulled in and not someone else. May doesn't really speak to people she likes and she did Oracle a solid with Robins rescue.


Misfit pauses and opens her mouth as she turns back around now to stare at Oracle "I am perfectly capable of fighting a demon and saving myself…" she trails off "Probably." she notes then scrunches her nose "I believe I am also the only one who can get her own ass home if she wants to." so there!

There is a pause again "But I wouldn't ever leave people in danger… " right remember it, Misfit is responsible, or something right.


"You do dimensional hops? If so… good luck. People don't get in or out of here excpet by accident or the will of the Ruler of this realm. I understand that if you can get through it's rough going." Jericho grins. "Also, really, don't wander off. There is more than one demon around here and I promise you, they're quite powerful." Why they leave him alone is a question he doesn't answer just at the moment.

"Because strange things happen around me?" He shrugs in response to Babs question. "Or perhaps because coincidence stretches itself a lot when I'm around? Did anyone need to talk to me?" It's not a reliable way to get ahold of him. Try leaving an e-mail, but every once in a blue moon it works.

"I owe you dinner." Jericho nods to May with a chuckle, offering her a water, then the other two. He's watching very carefully with those amber eyes of his. He doesn't bring people to Limbo. Ever. It may be his home away from home but it's Illyana's realm. And it isn't generally safe for a number of reasons of which demons are the least. The place changes you. It's already changed him quite a bit.


Melinda May accepts the water and seems content now to wait for Jericho to be able to return them home. This place is NOT normal, and if he says they really shouldn't wander around, then she'll stay right here no matter what. Better that this happened now when she was off duty than in the middle of the day and the Triskelion. Or worse, while she was doing some piloting work.


"We don't leave people behind, that's right" Babs looks to Misfit "Just… please… listen to Jericho, he's not steered me wrong before."

"Well I suppose while I have both of you here" Babs speaks in a slightly resigned tone "I spoke with someone today who has noticed that the Gotham underground is becoming more militarised. That's /all/ they could say." The red head worries her bottom lip "I suspect they are witnessing the effects of the HYDRA and SRD efforts. I'm not sure what we can do just yet, but… given our mutual interest, I thought to share the intel."


Misfit seems a little disgruntled about the whole situation. "I'm not running off to fight demons or nothing…" she mutters and crosses her arms "Bet I could get home from here though." its a bit sulky as she looks around. "This place thrums and pulses, it feels stretched wide and yet pretty darn small all at the same time…" chaos muppet homo-magi is chaos muppet.


Jericho sits down on his coolar and takes a sip. He'd been tracking HYDRA activity world wide, as he does, and noticed the uptick in Gotham. "Yeah, that's their MO Oracle. They don't like risking in house assets when they don't have to so they funnel arms and money into the local criminal elements then use them for contract work. Smuggling, killing, distribution, acquisition. Pretty standard operating proceedure for them. Helps keep things and confused."


Melinda May takes a sip of the water Jericho gave her, standing near said cooler but apparently unwilling or unable to relax in this strange place. "If HYDRA is supplying the Gotham underground, SHIELD can … " She makes a face as she remembers SHIELD's 'hands off' policy regarding Bat-monitored city. "SHIELD can offer satellite surveillance support." She'd love to say they could boots on the ground, but she knows better.


Babs nods at Jericho "So you've said before. I'm getting concerned, it's ramping up and with the SRD activities …." the red head trails off. Mays comment and grimace gets an interested look "Won't hunt on Bat territory? Probably not a great idea, I would take the physical resources but… Batman" and until she can speak to the man about the issue…. "The monitoring could be helpful, May." she looks concerned as she shrugs.

Misfits petulance gets an indulgent smile "I'm sure you could to, Misfit. But what happens if it doesn't work? Did you hear the discussion we're having here, perhaps you've something to add or give me a different perspective on."


Misfit crouches down and plucks a blade of grass and lifts it up to look it over "This isn't really grass…" then she blinks and looks over at Babs "Uhmm.. Hydra and the SRD and how Batman doesn't like help. Isn't Hydra like a bunch of terrorist Nazi's… I did miss.. are they actually working with the SRD because that totes would suck."


"It's not grass you're used to seeing." Jericho amends. "It's also connected to my friend's soul, maybe. So don't mess with it too much. There is a reason I'm out here digging trenches, after all." He grins. In the distance a demon cries, high and shrill and moments later a there's the sound of flapping wings. A bat winged, horned, ram headed creature about the size of a Saint Bernard lands at a distance and looks curiously at the group.

"I doubt that HYDRA is working with the SRD unless the SRD has been subverted or is really, really corrupt. HYDRA does like to put plants in law enforcement type organizations though." He notes before he turns to May, making a face about the Batman as his eyes flash rather dangerously.

"Seriously, May, screw Batman. His people aren't dealing with this, can't deal with this and don't have the mindset to do it even if they could. If SHIELD won't touch it then I'll handle it, but I don't see why Gotham should get off because some guy in an armored suit with some nice toys thinks it's his private preserve to let Snakes grow in." His nostrils flare an he takes a deep breath before closing his eyes and looking down and away. "Sorry… sorry. Bit off balance since my last brush with the Snakes. Happens sometimes."


Melinda May watches the Demon-Bernard flatly, but when Jericho all but snarls about Batman and what his refusal to work with others is doing to Gotham, she can only agree. "Fine." She then looks Trent to Oracle. "One or both of you get me enough evidence that HYDRA is in Gotham, and I'll make sure there are boots on the ground, no matter what."


Looking up at the demon call and staring at the Bat-ram creature, Babs rubs her temples… the stress lines actually deepen. With a small upnod to Jericho "He's got most of it, I'm still working on on the basic intel. The… person who gave me the details … is new." In fact it wasn't the person, it was the AI that inhabited the suit that he wore that gave her this intel. "I know we need the help… " she lets that thought trail. Batman can be dealt with on another day, she hopes.


Misfit watches the demon as well brow furrowed "That looks vaguely familiar." this place is mucking with her a bit and she looks like she is developing a headache the way she squinting around herself. She looks to the others "I'd love to kick some nazi butt if we find out where they are… though I really want my new suit first."


The demon thinks she's interesting too. It's getting closer, sniffing, whuffling. Jericho turns and gives it a hard stare and it's ears pin back, but it still approaches. Then the hacker starts… talking in another language. It's harsh and gutteral and the words of it echo a bit at certain points, as if there were two Jericho's saying it. The demon flinches and backs up in a hurry, but doesn't quite leave just yet, still staring at Misfit.

"I'll start looking for that information May. I do have quite a bit on how they're setting up. We can go over it soon, if you'd like. It may or may not be related to that… other thing we've been running into. Not sure yet."

Oracle gets a nod as the hacker keeps an eye on the large demon. He gives the woman an apologetic look but doesn't actually apologise which is - may knows - a bit unlike him. Clearly there's some kind of additional subtext here at work.


Melinda May knows what a show of dominance looks like regardless of those involved. An apology would be a very bad idea as long as that demon is lurking about. "Let me know when you've got it compiled, and I'll take the intel to Fury myself." She spares only a moment to level an unimpressed look at the demon. Not really all that intimidating.


Babs sees the demon interest in her young charge "Misfit, I could do with some help over here." No, not really but lets get her further away. Noticing the young woman squint, Babs frowns "Jericho, she probably needs to get out of here soon, the environment seems to be affecting her." Babs has no idea about Misfits magic, but she knows it is magic. She'll just ignore the demon thing, others can do the stare down. "I'll collate what I have too May. And, when the new asset is more settled in place, I'll introduce you to them."


Really it is the fact it is causing some cognitivie disssonance with the young woman in the makeshift bat costume. This whole place. Misfit walks over to Babs and puts her hands on the other's chair now, glancing back at the demon then up at the sky "This place is really wierd… and trust me I am an expert on pretty wierd things.. ask anyone…. Misfit.. it's in the name.. "


"I can't get any of you out until-" There hissing noise nearby and K'nert, a lizardlike little imp, jumps down off a nearby rock and saunters over to Jericho. He says a few sharp words to the large demon which retreats a few more paces and then heads off back toward the hellscape part of Limbo.

"Ah, here's your ride. Everyone, meet K'nert." May's seen him already. Babs probably has too. The little demon walks around a bit, as if looking for something and finally nods. A stepping disk opens back to… this one seems to go to an ice cream parlor in New York. "There you go. One ticket back to Earth. I hope you don't get back before you left."


Melinda May looks at K'Nert as he finally shows his ugly little face. And somehow, she is not in the least bit surprised that the little demon picks an ICE CREAM parlor to send them back. He's probably going to want a scoop of salted caramel to go, too. "I'll get you two a ride back to Gotham. Trent, you coming with us?" You know, to pay for K'Nert's ice cream.


Babs has met K'Nert, he perched on the back of her chair once, and she's been warned that he bites. Misfit gets a concerned frown "We're going now, it'll get better soon. Just hold onto the arm of my chair, o.k" the red head speaks quietly, so hopefully only the teen hears. "Thanks May." for the offer of transport back to Gotham.


Right Misfit stares at the small demon but doesn't argue at all about going "oo icecream!" she chirps happily and seems in a hurry to go that way. Perhaps it is the demons. Perhaps it is the void in Misfit. Perhaps it is the magic. Perhaps .. so many complicated things. Anyhow she seems happy to be going "I hope Asgard isn't fraught with mecky peril feelings like this place." she mutters.


Jericho pushes the tools behind one of the trees. He'll be back for these later. Possible he may have to hunt one or two of them down if the demons decide to filch them and issue a beating but there's a chance they won't since they know he'll do just that. "Yeah, I'll come along May." If only to make sure K'nert doesn't get up to too much mischief.


Melinda May nods to Jericho and moves to stand at Oracle's side, putting one hand on the wheelchair to keep them all linked while she levels a look at the little demon. Get them to the right place and there's an extra scoop of cookies 'n' cream in it for you.


"Stand still Misfit, keep your hand on my chair, this normally doesn't take long. And yes, I'll buy you some icecream." Knowing the teen, Babs will probably buy a fridgeful of Icecream… As May stands besides her, Babs glances up and then looks forward, waiting patiently.


Right. Ice cream promises and out of this hell dimension. Checkity check. "Awesome!" says the teenage heroine as she tries to get them to well.. go a bit faster through the disk. She isn't even complaining about teleporting with another person doing it for once.


The stepping disk doesn't move like when Illyana does it. Jericho just moves them forward a bit and… then they're in front of a very startled ice cream parlor attendant. The hacker sighs, knowing there's no way to make this less odd so he just shrugs. "Two scoops of salted caramel." Is all he says.

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