Metropolis Clean Energy

February 03, 2015:

Fenris expects visitors to ask about some energy anomaly

Greenwich Village - New York


NPCs: None.


Mood Music: None.

Fade In…

It's been a few days and Fenris is recovered enough that he's back out in his usual haunts. Today the usual haunts are a park near Greenwich Village. He's sitting on a bench, watching the people go by as the flow around him. Which they do. His vaguely creepy predatory aura tends to keep people at an arms length at least. Two, when they can manage it. Mostly Fenris is waiting for someone. Two someones. He thinks they'll both be here soon, though he rather doubts either of them know it.


Zee has a hunch and since returning from tour, she's learning to pay attention to said hunches. So it is, she's dressed in her standard sweater dress, leggings, knee high high heel boots and the now everpresent diamond encrusted collar and teleported to Greenwich Village. No idea why, but there you have it.

The young magician appears out of nowhere with a soft 'pop' sound and pauses to look around.


Fenris stands and motions to the younger mage, giving her a curious once over. "New fashion fad, I see?" The older being (much older) looks around and hrms thoughtfully. "I expected one other… curious. You're here on time, at any rate."


Zees wanders over to Fenris, her hand rises unconsciously to touch the collar and she smiles with a shrug. "A thank you gift. And I quite liked it." She's not too worried by Fenris' predatory look and manner and she looks around… "Oh, someone else? I just felt I needed to be here, so here I am."


Pepper Potts does not usually frequent the Greenwich Village area, especially with the city still half-buried in show and slush. But, as Fenris asked politely, she can be seen walking through this park with what looks like woven basket supported by the crook of one arm. She stops and looks around briefly, then spots Fenris with Zatanna there, and approaches as well. "Hello, Fenris. Ms. Zatara."


Fenris looks at Pepper with a faintly amused smile as he sees the basket in her arms. "Now all you need is a red sweatshirt." He murmurs before gesturing for the other two to accompany him. "Walk with me if you please? I've something to show you that pretains to you both." He turns to walk off the path and toward a copse of trees. If the ground seems a bit drier on the path that he breaks, well that's a coincidence surely.


"Hello Miss Potts" Zee flashes the redhead a big showy smile, genuine, but the young mage is just trained to perform in public. "How are you?" Turning as Fenris talks, the raven haired woman follows in his wake, smirking as the path dries somewhat as he leads the way. "Something to show us, Fenris?"


Pepper Potts simply raises her eyebrows at Fenris and moves to follow. "Well, this IS my lunch break. So I brought lunch." Though, if they're going meandering through the wooded part of this park… maybe she should have chosen the red shawl to wear in place of a scarf today.


Fenris leads them over to those trees where the ground is, rather miraculously both clear of snow and quite dry. It's also raised in irregular ways. It may take a moment to realize that it's a miniature relief of Metropolis. And when Fenris lifts his hand the locations of all the arc reactors begin to glow on it. "Look familiar at all?"


Zee looks at Pepper and then back to Fenris as they walk… the mischievious grin on her face suggests she might like to do something… but mercifully the young magician doesn't. As they reach the copse and Fenris indicates the relief, Zee stalks around it trying to get some perspective. "A little…. it's like the map we were shown by Illyana and Jericho. Do you remember, Miss Potts?" Pepper had been at that meeting as well.


Pepper Potts blinks, recognizing the layout of all the little glowing spots immediately and appearing to be concerned by what she sees. "Where did you come by this information, Fenris?" Because in her world, this kind of knowledge would be dangerous if it were just bandied about. Granted, the clean energy generators are NOT arc reactors, not truly, but they're close enough that someone smart and determined could use the tech gleaned from one of those generators to build something close. The arc reactor's only saving grace? Palladium is really really difficult to come by.


Fenris gives Pepper a rather arch look. "Funny thing that. What I'm doing, presently, is getting the earth to show me the 'energy of the earth'. Ley lines, usually, if you will. I'm windering indeed why your Lord of Iron's reactors are showing up." It's a little like looking through 3D glasses and getting X-Ray Vision. Zee will know that.


OK, that is pretty cool and Zee looks between Pepper and Fenris and back to the map. "What are the reactors, Miss Potts?" Zatanna has not been privvy to that information and nor does she really want to be, unless it matters. "Ley lines are just really connections between points of power, right Fenris? What if…." the young magician chews her lip again, considering carefully "These reactors were so powerful or so clean that they appear like natural energy to the likes of us." Zee's very tempted to test that theory… but that might be bad.


Pepper Potts returns Fenris' arch look with an almost identical expression, even going so far as to raise her chin slightly. "Stark Industries has been working with SHIELD to restore electricity to that city so people there don't FREEZE TO DEATH. We donated every spare generator we had to keep the city afloat until whatever is wrong with the main power plant out there is fixed. Tony's been working on it almost non-stop since it happened, to the point that he's not even helping get his own tower repaired." She looks at the 'map' again. "We know about the ley lines and how they seem to coincide with the city's power grid. Jim Reha has been coordinating with several individuals including Rune to figure out why and to make sure that they can't be misused."


"Good luck…" Fenris murmurs, turning his attention back to the 'map'. "They're pouring power into the ley lines. And where it's all going I'm not quite sure. Which isn't bad per se but it's definitely not good." He looks up at Zee. "I'm looking into it but someone needs to keep an eye on it and I thought you, Miss Potts, might wish to know. I don't know if Mister Stark did that on purpose but…"


Pepper Potts frowns faintly at Fenris' words. "But they were supposed to be feeding directly into emergency service locations like hospitals and …" Her eyes look over the 'map' again. "These are all the residentially located generators." She comes THIS close to muttering a curse. "I've got to go. I need to share this information with Tony and with Jim." The mention of the seemingly innocuous man brings something else to mind for her. "Jim and Mike Drakos found something unusual in a power switching station. I didn't get the details, as Jim mentioned it to me only in passing, but maybe whatever it was they found is the key to making the city's grid stop dumping power into the ley lines? Food for thought, but for now…" She turns to leave, walking in that brisk 'in a hurry but wanting to not look like I'm in a hurry' sort of way as she dials a number on her phone. "Jim. It's Pepper…."


Zee looks at Fenris and Pepper. "I don't think it was on purpose, Fenris." The young woman chews her bottom lip. And then Peppers leaving, looking slightly stressed. "Somethings messing with the leylines all round… Metropolis, Gotham… I'm not sure about New York but it wouldn't surprise me…. it wasn't Miss Potts or her boss. I'm sure of that."


"Mmmmmm, well a rather doubt that too." Fenris confides. "However this isn't the kind of thing to take chances on. Either that energy is going somewhere and getting used for we can't tell what, which might be either good or bad, or it's going somewhere and being stored… which will be bad when eventually the place runs out of room."


Zee frowns "Well, I didn't think you believed it but still, it had to be said." Glancing back to the 'map' and then to Fenris again "Friends of mine, well maybe more acquaintances, think it might be HYDRA trying to do something." The thought of what could be done with that much stored energy… makes Zee shudder. "It would make a big 'kaboom' wouldn't it?"


"Potentially. Or be released all at once in other catastrophic ways. That much power could only be used to create or destroy something very, very large. Neither would be good believe me." The old wolf shakes his head sadly. "Mortals…"


"Hey! I'm a mortal and I'm not considering doing something like…. " But Zee does agree. "So… you said you needed someone to keep an eye on it?"


"Two eyes. As often as possible." Did… Fenris just quote JRR Tolkein? Well, Tolkien was by his own admission inspired by Norse mythology. And Fenris is very old…


"Sorry, Zatanna. It just seems that your people are simultaneously brilliant and broken."


"Two eyes then…." Zee smirks "Yeah we are… but you can't write us all off in a single stroke, right?" Canting her head at the Old Wolf, the smirk turns to a wide grin "What do you want me to watch out for?"


"Depends on who's got the pen." The Old Wolf chuckles. "Watch for tampering. Right now the system is safe. Ish. If somewhat worrying. But if someone were to try to redirect that power into the natural ley line system… that'd be bad. Very bad."


Zees already watching Gotham, adding Metropolis in shouldn't be a stretch and she says so "We've already seen ley line tampering in Gotham. Not like this" Zee shrugs a little "but in one case they were sterilising the ley line. In another they'd done something to it but I never found out from John what that was." The young magician smiles brightly at the Old Wolf "I'll keep an eye out and what, call you if I see anything? There's at least one other group working on this type of thing."


"Yes." The Old Wolf flips Zee an inscribed runestone. "You may call me with that. I assume you can figure out how to work it." He smiles and stretches slightly. "Thank you Zatanna. I shall not forget this."


Looking at the runestone, Zee channels a minuscule amount of power into it and nods to Fenris. "Oh, I think I can." The smile she flashes him is radiant. "My pleasure. Whatever is going on here is big. I know that… we all do our bits to help out, right?"


"As we can and must." Some burdens are heavier than others but no one can shoulder the whole load. He knows from experience. "I think, Zatanna, that does conclude our business. Can I drop you somewhere?"


Zee can certainly teleport but spending time the company of a mage as old and, supposedly as wise, as Fenris… who could resist that. "Back to Gotham would be wonderful, thank you Fenris." she smiles mischieviously "I have a druid that I need to check in on."


"Gotham it is then." Fenris tears open a Way, and ushers Zee through, then is gone.

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